Wednesday 19 November 2008

Pesta Blogger 2008 is already started...

Indonesia has a tradition of partying for several days. Pesta Blogger Indonesia 2008 seems to take this tradition to enlarge the crowd. The chairman of PB 2008 in his blog mentioned the five international bloggers who came and join this party. There are five bloggers; Mike Aquino (the Philippines), Jeff Ooi (Malaysia), Mr. Brown (Singapore), Mark Tafoya (USA), and Anthony Bianco (Australia).

It seems that they do have different way of blogging. One of them, Mr. Brown from Singapore, seems to use the daily journal type. It does help me to see how he experienced Indonesia. Others are not really writing their journey. There are formal introduction about Pesta Blogger in Indonesia, but the experience is yet to come...

Anyway, I would also be the one who prefer to feel and enjoy the trip before writing down my experience. Yet, it is nice to read short postings, or see pictures or video (I've got to admit I didn't view the video yet). A posting in the official Pesta Blogger 2008 website is also presenting a complete story of the journey (in Bahasa Indonesia).

So, they were experiencing Bali, and Jogjakarta...we'll see them this Saturday in Jakarta. There will be about 1000 bloggers interested to attend the party...a very crowded party just like the usual big wedding party in Jakarta. Only this time, other than the five guests do need to pay for entrance fee (Rp. 50.000,-), hope it is for the blogging for society cause.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Would you come to the party in Jakarta? Please report if you do.. I'm particularly interested whether they have moved from celebrating (in 2007) to a more meaningful gesture..
