Wednesday, 17 December 2008

Marching Down the Memory Lane

I've made one picture article and two articles for this Marching Band reunion, you can read the Bahasa Indonesia in wikimu, here and here.
The English article took my other perspective, can be reviewed here.

I was involved in Drum Band since my junior high school, but I did not have the luck to be a real part of it. I was blaming my parents for that, but with maturity I know that I should be more persistent in persuading them to support me.

Seeing kak Budi and Mas Kir will always made me reflect back to the Youth Red Cross Drum Band (DB PMR Jakarta Selatan). That was my first time encounter DB, first time encounter GPMB. I did not continue joining the group because I was not getting the permission to do the long march from Jakarta to Bogor. My parents were afraid that I fainted (which was also a good reason actually). They said that they don't know my other friends from other schools in South Jakarta, we have waited for friends from my school to show signs that any of them were coming (no cellphone at that time, Unluckily my friends (from my school) arrived after we went home, so I'm the only person from my school who did not join the long march. I don't know why I did not try to keep joining the band even without joining their long march. Pride perhaps?!

Now, everytime I saw a marching band performance my mind will went back to the DB PMR, to my friends from that group who passed away. One of them is Olaf, the major of the group (the first generation of the group), he passed away in the military helicopter (or airplane?) accident quite a long time ago. The other friend is Sancoyo, he passed away while doing a volunteer job rescuing people.

Another encounter is the DB Tri Tar (which is now Korps Putri Tarakanita), and the old story came back with another reason to quit. This time is my bad remarks in Science class. My mother insisted that I choose science instead of my interest to the language class. Actually I did not really know where I should be heading, so I just follow her will. Yet, as the consequences I can't continue playing in the marching band...I need more time to study the Chemistry. Even after quitting the marching band my Chemistry was still singing

Without entering the Science class (IPA) I wouldn't be able to enter the Architecture department, so there is always another reason to thank God for all the trail of my old days.

I was on my museum duty that Saturday, but because I knew that this reunion will be an event that would get a MURI recognition so my reporter antenna moved on. I went to there even without any entrance ticket. Thanks God (and friends he..he..he..) that I can come in and cover how they made the history.

My mom was a bit annoyed that I left my children with her from morning (because I had to be in my volunteer guide duty in the museum) until very late afternoon (for covering the marching band story), but sometimes it is a risk to take...(ha..ha..ha...I am being childish again).

Friends were very supportive, they were quick answering when I asked them for the pictures for OMNI (my pictures as not as good as theirs he..he..he...). Unfortunately the internet was not supportive, I was not able to send all the pictures that I would like to appear in OhmyNews International. Instead I just send one picture from my friend to the editor, and he was helping me uploading it later.

The internet connection, the price of the connection, and the capability of using the internet are some factors that would be important for the continuation of citizen journalism in the online media for Indonesian people.

I still have a lot of things in my mind, but stealing time is a real effort as I have no helpers at home for the last two months. Now I'm trying to be a super Retty ha..ha...ha.. Yet, this is a good way to calm down friends who live in other countries as they always think life is easier here with helpers around us. I should write about helpers tomorrow as we are going to celebrate International Migrant Day...


Anonymous said...

Dear Ms Super Retty, hehehe.. waktu di SMA Tarki, saya sempat ditantang Senior, "Kalau rapot kamu jelek karena ikut kegiatan Marching Band bagaimana?" "Tidak akan Kak." Kedua, ditantang teman, "Nge, Marching Band itu kejayaannya cuma sebentar. Kenapa ga cari kegiatan yang bisa jadi 'inves' buat masa depan kamu?"
Nyatanya pernah ikut sekali menyumbang untuk Juara Umum GPMB udah cukup jadi sweet memory, lumayan. Memang sih ga bisa berprestasi sebagus mungkin di sekolah, karena latihan 4 jam 4 kali seminggu, tapi ya bukan berarti mengorbankan sekolah. 'Inves'-nya tetap ada, jadi perempuan yang ga cengeng, disiplin, tanggung jawab individu dan kolektif, dan mandiri (seperti semboyan Suster waktu itu: ramah tabah sederhana :P ) Benar kan kak Retty?

Inge Sundoko

Retty Hakim (a.k.a. Maria Margaretta Vivijanti) said...

He..he..he...kemarin pas wawancara senior-senior itu mereka juga bilang "aku dulu juga IPA loh", atau "banyak kok anak IPA" he..he..he...iyalah otaknya aja yang ga sama ama aku...

Pernah pulang latihan aku segitu telernya sampai bles langsung tidur...bangun-bangun udah pagi tergopoh ke sekolah (untung dekat banget) dan terbingung-bingung lihat teman-teman lagi belajar...gue lupa ada ulangan! Mati!

Pernah juga aku pingsan (sudah puyeng tapi nggak berani motong senior yang lagi ngomelin kita-kita, akhirnya ambruk beneran) di Senayan, kebayang dong anak terompet kan kecil-kecil...gue aja perkecualian he.he..he...jadi bisa diperkirakan kan yang gotong berapa orang? Lebih dari 4 orang pastinya...

He..he..he..walau singkat sekali ikutnya cerita DB gue juga banyak sih, tapi seperti juga Kak Itur yang angkatan 77, aku sampai sekarang juga masih ngantongin bungkus permen, masih risih kalau lihat sampah bertebaran setelah acara...cuma aja gue lupa kalau itu dapat dari DB. Tapi memang sudah dari Pramuka, PMR, dan DB semuanya mewarnai hari-hariku. Seperti kata mas Kir kemarin, itu juga satu bentuk pendidikan kewiraan...Thanks for all who helped me being me today!