Saturday 29 September 2007

Waktu Adalah Kesempatan

I was just about to write an article titled "Time is Money" when another experience reminded me that "Time is Actually a Chance (to learn, to share with our beloved, to develop ourselves, or only to recharge our batteries; sleeping)".

The high rise of toll road's price was forcing me to reconsider using my personal car to go to the museum. By changing it into public transportation I can try to minimize the cost of being a volunteer guide. It was quite a while that I do not use the shuttle bus (because their new routes are not really convenience for my journey to the museum). So my first experience was awful, I was terribly late to a meeting in the museum and was also late to pick up my son! I calculated the cost that I should spend in order to get those time efficiency so I was thinking of writing something on that. Time is really can be bought by money!

Yet, as I was better prepared with schedules I got a better experience on my next travel. A woman sitting in front of me is reading a book titled "Ayat-ayat Cinta". I was seated perfectly to peek in her book. As I could probably read faster than her, I was able to follow the beauty of its content.

I have a very tight budget on my personal books. I put my children's books as our family priority. Moreover, I probably still have the prejudice that Islamic book is not for my consumption. I was probably wrong as I read (peek into :)) all those interesting pages. So, time can still be valuable if we can manage to enjoy it!

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