Tuesday 21 August 2007

Bangun Subway Seperti di Seoul?

This article in bahasa Indonesia is a comment for an article in Kompas. Asking the new government of Jakarta thinking about building subway like in Seoul is great, but they should also think about other consequences. I'd like to gain more comments from readers, but it doesn't work. May be they are apathetic towards the broken promise of government.

The public tranportation in Jakarta is really under the minimum requirement for a capital city. Recently (this post is uploaded long after the publication of the article in wikimu) an Italian was hit by a Trans Jakarta Bus. She died in an accident which was not the first time happened with Busway drivers! Either the drivers are arrogant or the street provided is not save! I'd say both could be counted in! When I drive near the Palace, our way should cross the busway line, and it was scary to cross while a fast bus take its way.

The government has a lot of clever scholars who helped them with suggestion and studies. Why don't they use it? I do hope that the new government can try to look at what were studied and give their best service to public. Not to achieve a monumentary achievement for their name, but to really serve the public.

1 comment:

Oni Suryaman said...

Iya, mbak. Pengen sih menikmati seperti yang di luar negeri. Blok M punya potensi untuk ditata seperti itu. Sayangnya konsepnya menjadi Mal, bukan tempat transit, sehingga kesannya terlalu crowded. Sekarang tapi kupikir udah terlalu sulit untuk ditata ulang, masak mau diusir semua tenant di situ. Gak mungkin kan.

Andaikan saja mungkin diusir pake sim salabim, tempat belanja cukup di Mal Grande dan Blok M Plasa saja. Di kawasan terminalnya cukup ada foodcourt, tempat ngopi, beli pulsa, semir, pijit refleksi. Yang kecil2 aja, jangan jualan baju, apalagi motor dan rumah. Sekedar untuk melayani kebutuhan penumpang yang mau transit yang kelaparan, lelah atau kehabisan pulsa.