Saturday 25 June 2011

Citizen Journalism, Blogging, or Private Diary

Time is the most valuable thing right now. My activities in citizen journalism made me realized how much time we should spent in order to achieve a professional output. At the same time I also tried hard to manage balancing my activities, giving a proportional time for family, for my spiritual life in the church, and for my country and the society.

Yesterday night I went to a book discussion. A friend whom I've known through has his first book published. It's kind of a diary writing style. Yet, it's not really as private as personal diary. The publisher got in touch with him by searching for his private contact after reading his private blog.

My own blog is still in a gado-gado style, some are personal, some are sharing (generalities) through blogging, and some other are news in a high citizen journalism awareness. Loosing OhMyNews International as my outlet made me a bit stuck in producing citizen journalism news in English. Actually my productivity in writing is now very low. These days I wrote more in Indonesian language, and most of them are actually for my meditation blog.

While not having any household assistant at home, it will be difficult for me to gain back my writing productivity as in 2007 when I had two assistants to help me manage the house. I might be less productive in writing for citizen journalism news, but I do gain a lot of lessons from those period of being very active. I learned to make a priority in life....

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